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Nishoni Harvey Coaching


Managing Meltdowns in Autistic Children and Even Stopping Them before They Begin!

Gain Access To These Exclusive Techniques

Mom holding a baby

Positive Parenting Techniques

There are so many positive parenting techniques that are applicable and necessary to raising children on the autism spectrum, especially when dealing with meltdowns.

Brain with Gears

ABA Techniques

Applied Behavioral Analysis techniques go hand-in-hand with positive parenting. They support and strengthen one another, creating a stronger and more independent child.

Heart with Hands inside holding one another

TBRI Techniques

Trauma-Based Relational Intervention Techniques are helpful when dealing with an autistic child in a meltdown situation, as they are emotionally triggered and in full flight or fight mode.

Are you ready to create a positive and inclusive environment so your child can thrive and reach their full potential?

Meet Autism Parenting Coach Nishoni Harvey!

Autism Parenting Coach Nishoni Harvey

    Coach Nishoni Harvey

  • Autism Mom of 17 years

  • Certified Coach

  • ABA Instructed

  • TBRI Instructed

  • Autism Expert

  • Positive Parenting Instructed

  • Bestselling Author

  • Course Instructor

My four beautiful children

    I have four beautiful children, two of which are on the Autism Spectrum. Having traveled much of the parenting path for our first autistic child through trial and error, we sought all the help we could get for our second, including ABA, OT, and talk therapy, personal training for myself, and more.

    Later, my husband any I began taking in medically fragile foster children as well, many of which had autism. It was during this time that I saw the need for Parenting Coaching that specializes in children on the spectrum.

Nishoni Harvey Coaching Logo

    Our children experience the world differently than the rest of us. As such, they need a different kind of parenting. Many parents of autistic children feel lost and alone in their parenting journey. They no longer need too.

    I help parents of autistic children create a positive and inclusive environment for their child to thrive and reach their full potential. As an Autism Parenting Coach, I incorporate positive parenting strategies, ABA and TBRI techniques, and a thorough dive into the home, the parent, and the WHOLE child.

Managing Meltdowns in Autistic Children Webinar

Not only can the techniques you will learn stop a meltdown in it's tracks, but they can stop meltdowns before they begin!

  • Are you ready to understand your child and their autism? 

  • Are you ready to understand the roots of autistic meltdowns.

  • Imagine being so knowledgeable about each of these roots and their causes that you will be able to prevent meltdowns!

  • Do you feel at times you don't understand your child's needs and challenges? Because of that, are you unable to help them become more independent? Is that important to you?

  • Imagine being able to understand some of the major challenges your child will face due to their ASD and learning the step-by-step process to getting around them.

  • Imagine having the knowledge of your child's needs to overcome the sensory stimulants they try so hard to avoid at your fingertips.

  • Are you ready to understand how to help your child learn coping skills they can use to stay emotionally stable?

Raving Reviews for Nishoni Harvey

“Nishoni Harvey is an outstanding mother with the utmost patience and kind heart. She has a special understanding of the needs of the children. Her self control and display of kindness, patience, and understanding in each individual situation is truly inspirational. Anyone would benefit from her Coaching parenting techniques as she possesses an insight that is truly beneficial. You would be blessed to have her services. I would highly recommend Nishoni Harvey for your parenting coaching needs.”

Janice Albig Picture

Janice A.

Harrison, Michigan

“Nishoni’s parenting coaching is built on understanding childhood development, developmental behavior, schemas, and so much more! Her coaching is based upon training the parents just as much as training the child. Having six children, two of which are on the autism spectrum, she not only comes from a place of full understanding and empathy, but also of the knowledge that comes with living there (on top of the countless hours of training she has had). I highly recommend Nishoni as a parenting coach.”

Jamie Gilliland picture

Jamie G.

Statesboro, Geogia

“Nishoni Harvey is an inspirational mother of special needs kids and advocate. She knows how to break parenting concepts down to easy-to-understand language. I highly recommend her for your parenting coaching.”

Kristine Meier-Skiff

Kristine S.

Denton, Texas

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